
When launching a new visual identity to the market, Airbnb was ready to launch its new visual identity but faced a recognizable challenge: how to get all 150M + users engaged?

A single cross-platform application with a harmonized UX flow that helps people embrace the new identity system through interaction.


Help to rebuild a unified visual system with multiple mobility options. Meaning: a single cross platform app with a harmonised UX flow that help people embrace the new identity system through play and interaction.

  • Strategy

    Design Sprints, Workshops

  • Design

    Product Design, Prototyping

  • Client


  • Production

    Design Sprints, Documentation

  • Platforms

    Desktop, iOS

Open Project

A unified design language
shouldn’t be just a set
of static rules and individual atoms;
it should be an evolving ecosystem.

Design has always been largely about systems, and how to create products in a scalable and repeatable way. From Pantone colors to Philips screws, these systems enable us to manage the chaos and create better products. Digital products are perhaps the most fertile ground for implementing these systems and yet it’s not often considered a priority.

A unified design system is essential to building better and faster; better because a cohesive experience is more easily understood by our users, and faster because it gives us a common language to work with.

⬤ 02. Experience

A fluid visual user
experience with a
new solutions.

I believe in getting excited about unique ideas and helping digital and tech companies. Tech for good.

I grow brands through bold and strategic creativity, focused on searching for new ways to showcase user content on digital support and envisioning the future arts.

airbnb app 6
airbnb app 5 v2
airbnb app 7 v3
airbnb app 8
airbnb app 9

Color palette

/ Foundations
A11Y Color

R 255
G 90
B 95


A11Y Color

R 0
G 166
B 153


A11Y Color

R 252
G 100
B 45


A11Y Color
R 72
G 72
B 72


I believe in getting excited about unique ideas in design workflows and helping digital tech companies grow.

I grow brands through bold and strategic creativity, focused on searching for new ways to showcase user content on digital support and envisioning the future arts.


/ Scales

Airbnb Cereal


Instead of utilizing contrast purely for the purpose of mitigating who are excited about unique ideas and help digital companies.

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789

Airbnb Cereal


Airbnb Cereal


⬤ 03. Mobile Experience

Putting our focus on
changing the way people
think of mobile experience.

Airbnb iOS 1 1
Airbnb iOS 2
Airbnb iOS 3



Stacey Grey
Brand Research

John Stamper
Project Manager

Colin Mondero
Account Manager

Art Direction

Stephen Miller
Creative Director

Sarah Rickson
Brand Strategy


Duffle Ken
Graphic Design

Duffle Ken
UI/UX Design


People’s Voice Winner
Feb 20, 2017

Mobile User Experience
Jan 25, 2017

FWA of the Day
Sep 23, 2020

Let's get in touch,
I respond fast 🙂

Ready to work together?